Keyword Index


  • Acupressure The effects of training based on BASNEF model and acupressure at GB21 point on the infants’ physical growth indicators [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 18-24]
  • Addiction Frequency of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and type of the narcotic substance in neonates born from drug addicted mothers [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 1-5]
  • Albumin Evaluation of Nutritional Status in a Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 24-29]
  • Amniotic fluid volume Accuracy of Amniotic Fluid Index and Single Deepest Pocket Measurements in Predicting the Outcomes of Prolonged Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]
  • Anterior urethral valves Anterior Urethral Valve and Diverticulum in a Neonate with Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 10-11]
  • Antibiotic The pattern of antibiotic administration for toddlers and infants with acute respiratory infections (Mashhad- Iran) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 25-29]
  • ARI The pattern of antibiotic administration for toddlers and infants with acute respiratory infections (Mashhad- Iran) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 25-29]
  • Asphyxia Evaluation and prognosis of neonates with asphyxia treated by hypothermia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 1-4]
  • Auditory Steady State Response Assessment of the Prevalence of Hearing Impairment in Neonates Born in Imam Reza, Ghaem and OM-Albanin Hospitals of Mashhad [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 17-20]


  • BASNEF Model The effects of training based on BASNEF model and acupressure at GB21 point on the infants’ physical growth indicators [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 18-24]
  • Birth weight The Relationship between the Mother’s Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) and Infant’s Birth Weight [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 8-8]
  • Blood culture Clinical manifestation and laboratory findings in positive blood culture in neonatal septicemia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 13-17]
  • BMI The Review of Body Mass Index Measurements during the First Prenatal Checkup at Healthcare Facilities in Rural Areas of Hormozgan, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 10-10]
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) The Relationship between the Mother’s Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) and Infant’s Birth Weight [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 8-8]
  • Breast Cancer Evaluation of Outcome of Mothers with Breast Cancer during Pregnancy, Fetal and Neonatal Development [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-9]
  • Breastfeeding Evaluation of the Relationship between Unwanted Pregnancy and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]


  • Chylothorax Octreotide for the Management of Chylothorax in newborns, case report [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • Colonization A survey on the prevalence of group B Streptococcus in pregnant women referred to the obstetrics and Gynecology ward at babol Ayatollah Rouhani hospital [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 23-27]
  • Congenital A Survey of Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Results in Healthcare Centers of Isfahan, District No. 1 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 7-8]
  • Congenital chylothorax A Newborn with a Congenital Chylothorax [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 40-42]
  • Congenital hypothyroidism The Importance of Screening in Congenital Hypothyroidism [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-7]
  • Congenital malformations Associated Risk Factors and Prevalence of Congenital Malformations in Ardabil, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 3-4]
  • Conventional delivery Comparison between Water Birth and Land Birth in terms of Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 4-5]
  • Cow’s milk allaergy A New Synbiotic Can Increase Weight Gain in Infants with Cow's Milk Allergy: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]
  • CS Effects of Delivery Mode on Short-term Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 25-28]


  • Dehydration Prevalence of Breastfeeding–associated Hypernatremia among Hospitalized Hyperbilirubinemic Neonates [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 12-16]
  • Delivery duration Comparison between Water Birth and Land Birth in terms of Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 4-5]
  • Diabetes Mellitus Cord Blood Serum Ferritin of Infants of Diabetic Mothers [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 1-6]
  • Disease Assessment of the Recorded Causes of Neonatal Hospitalization and the Related Factors in Neonatal Wards and NICUs in Bojnord [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 21-24]
  • Ducation Effects of Education on Oral and Dental Care of Pregnant Women, Based on the Health Belief Model [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-6]


  • Early onset sepsis Epidemiologic features of early onset sepsis in neonatal ward of Shabih Khani hospital in Kashan [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 19-23]
  • Enteral Nutrition A Newborn with a Congenital Chylothorax [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 40-42]
  • Etiology Assessment of the Recorded Causes of Neonatal Hospitalization and the Related Factors in Neonatal Wards and NICUs in Bojnord [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 21-24]
  • Exclusively breast-fed Prevalence of Breastfeeding–associated Hypernatremia among Hospitalized Hyperbilirubinemic Neonates [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 12-16]


  • Fars Selective screening of 650 high risk Iranian patients for detection of inborn error of metabolism [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 11-14]
  • Female sexual function The Relationship between Women’s Postpartum Sexual Function and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-3]


  • Gastroesophageal reflux Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux during the Infant’s First Year of Life in the Pediatric Department of Imam Reza Hospital [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]
  • GBS A survey on the prevalence of group B Streptococcus in pregnant women referred to the obstetrics and Gynecology ward at babol Ayatollah Rouhani hospital [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 23-27]


  • Health belief model Effects of Education on Oral and Dental Care of Pregnant Women, Based on the Health Belief Model [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-6]
  • Hearing Impairment Assessment of the Prevalence of Hearing Impairment in Neonates Born in Imam Reza, Ghaem and OM-Albanin Hospitals of Mashhad [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 17-20]
  • High-risk pregnancy The Relationship between Modified Biophysical Profile, Standard Biophysical Profile, and Neonatal Outcomes of High-risk Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-10]
  • Home delivery Maternal mortality: A challenge in achieving Millennium Development Goals [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 11-12]
  • Hyperbilirubinemia Prevalence of Breastfeeding–associated Hypernatremia among Hospitalized Hyperbilirubinemic Neonates [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 12-16]
  • Hypernatremia Prevalence of Breastfeeding–associated Hypernatremia among Hospitalized Hyperbilirubinemic Neonates [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 12-16]
  • Hypoparathyroidism Hypoparathyroidism as the First Mani-Festation of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome: A Case Report [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Hypothyroidism The Importance of Screening in Congenital Hypothyroidism [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-7]
  • Hypothyroidism A Survey of Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Results in Healthcare Centers of Isfahan, District No. 1 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 7-8]
  • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Evaluation and prognosis of neonates with asphyxia treated by hypothermia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 1-4]


  • Immunization Neonatal Tetanus in Mashhad (North East of Iran) over a 17 Year period [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 31-33]
  • Infant Assessment of the Recorded Causes of Neonatal Hospitalization and the Related Factors in Neonatal Wards and NICUs in Bojnord [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 21-24]
  • Infant An Unusual Size of Neonatal Ovarian Cyst [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • Infant Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux during the Infant’s First Year of Life in the Pediatric Department of Imam Reza Hospital [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]
  • Infant The Effect of an Interventional Program, Based on the Theory of Ethology, on Breastfeeding Competence of Infants [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]
  • Infant feeding method The Relationship between Women’s Postpartum Sexual Function and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-3]
  • Infant nutrition Evaluation of the Relationship between Unwanted Pregnancy and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Infants Investigating causes of infant mortality in hospital of children during 2010-2011 in Bandar Abbas [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 12-18]
  • Infants Evaluation of Nutritional Status in a Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 24-29]
  • Infants The pattern of antibiotic administration for toddlers and infants with acute respiratory infections (Mashhad- Iran) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 25-29]
  • Intubation-Surfactant-Extubation (INSURE) Predicting Factors of INSURE Failure in Low Birth Weight Neonates with RDS; A Logistic Regression Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 30-34]
  • Iron supplements Effect of PRECEDE Model on Iron Supplement Intake of 6-12-Month-old Infants [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 7-7]


  • Jaundice Prophylactic effect of zinc sulphate on hyperbilirubinemia in premature very low birth weight neonates: a randomized clinical trial [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 6-10]


  • Kearns-Sayre Hypoparathyroidism as the First Mani-Festation of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome: A Case Report [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Kernicterus Kernicterus in Two Generations: A Need for More Aggressive Preventive Measures [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 33-36]
  • Keywords: GB21 acupoint The effects of training based on BASNEF model and acupressure at GB21 point on the infants’ physical growth indicators [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 18-24]
  • Key words: Infant The effect of an interventional program based on the Theory of Ethology on infant breastfeeding competence [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 10-12]
  • Key words: Macrosomia Evaluation of the Prevalence of Macrosomia and the Maternal Risk Factors [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 5-9]


  • Laboratory findings Clinical manifestation and laboratory findings in positive blood culture in neonatal septicemia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 13-17]
  • Low birth weight The Relationship between Maternal Serum Magnesium Level and Infant Low Birth Weight in Hafez Hospital, Shiraz, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 1-6]
  • Lumbar puncture Lumbar Puncture in Neonates with Sepsis [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 29-32]
  • Lumbar puncture Lumbar Puncture in Neonates with Sepsis [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 11-11]


  • Malnutrition The Review of Body Mass Index Measurements during the First Prenatal Checkup at Healthcare Facilities in Rural Areas of Hormozgan, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 10-10]
  • Malnutrition Evaluation of Nutritional Status in a Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 24-29]
  • Maternal Cord Blood Serum Ferritin of Infants of Diabetic Mothers [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 1-6]
  • Maternal Assessment of the Recorded Causes of Neonatal Hospitalization and the Related Factors in Neonatal Wards and NICUs in Bojnord [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 21-24]
  • Maternal Evaluation of Outcome of Mothers with Breast Cancer during Pregnancy, Fetal and Neonatal Development [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-9]
  • Maternal magnesium The Relationship between Maternal Serum Magnesium Level and Infant Low Birth Weight in Hafez Hospital, Shiraz, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 1-6]
  • Maternal risk factor Evaluation of the Prevalence of Macrosomia and the Maternal Risk Factors [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 5-9]
  • Mental Retardation The Importance of Screening in Congenital Hypothyroidism [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-7]
  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH2) Evaluation of the Association between the C677T Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH2) Association between the A1298C Polymorphism of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Millennium Development Goals(MDG) Maternal mortality: A challenge in achieving Millennium Development Goals [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 11-12]
  • Mitochondrial cytopathy Hypoparathyroidism as the First Mani-Festation of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome: A Case Report [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Mode of Delivery Effects of Delivery Mode on Short-term Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 25-28]
  • Modified Bell’s staging Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A dreadful condition of premature babies [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 30-31]
  • Modified biophysical profile The Relationship between Modified Biophysical Profile, Standard Biophysical Profile, and Neonatal Outcomes of High-risk Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-10]
  • Mortality Investigating causes of infant mortality in hospital of children during 2010-2011 in Bandar Abbas [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 12-18]


  • NAS Frequency of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and type of the narcotic substance in neonates born from drug addicted mothers [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 1-5]
  • Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) Predicting Factors of INSURE Failure in Low Birth Weight Neonates with RDS; A Logistic Regression Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 30-34]
  • Nasogastric tube Esophageal Perforation Due to Nasogastric Tube Insertion: A Case Report [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 8-9]
  • Necrotizing Enterocolitis Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A dreadful condition of premature babies [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 30-31]
  • Neonatal Neonatal Tetanus in Mashhad (North East of Iran) over a 17 Year period [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 31-33]
  • Neonatal hospitalization Assessment of the Recorded Causes of Neonatal Hospitalization and the Related Factors in Neonatal Wards and NICUs in Bojnord [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 21-24]
  • Neonatal Jaundice Kernicterus in Two Generations: A Need for More Aggressive Preventive Measures [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 33-36]
  • Neonatal outcome The Relationship between Modified Biophysical Profile, Standard Biophysical Profile, and Neonatal Outcomes of High-risk Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-10]
  • Neonatal sepsis Lumbar Puncture in Neonates with Sepsis [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 29-32]
  • Neonatal sepsis Lumbar Puncture in Neonates with Sepsis [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 11-11]
  • Neonatal sepsis Petechial Hemorrhage: A clinical diagnosis of neonatal Thrombocytopenia and sepsis [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 35-36]
  • Neonatal sepsis Epidemiologic features of early onset sepsis in neonatal ward of Shabih Khani hospital in Kashan [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 19-23]
  • Neonatal septicemia Clinical manifestation and laboratory findings in positive blood culture in neonatal septicemia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 13-17]
  • Neonatal Thrombocytopenia Petechial Hemorrhage: A clinical diagnosis of neonatal Thrombocytopenia and sepsis [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 35-36]
  • Neonates Effect of foot reflexology on physiologic index of neonates [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 19-22]
  • Neonates Assessment of the Prevalence of Hearing Impairment in Neonates Born in Imam Reza, Ghaem and OM-Albanin Hospitals of Mashhad [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 17-20]
  • Neonates Effects of Delivery Mode on Short-term Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 25-28]
  • Neonates Evaluation and prognosis of neonates with asphyxia treated by hypothermia [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 1-4]
  • Newborn A Newborn with a Congenital Chylothorax [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 40-42]
  • Newborn A New Synbiotic Can Increase Weight Gain in Infants with Cow's Milk Allergy: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]
  • Newborn Associated Risk Factors and Prevalence of Congenital Malformations in Ardabil, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 3-4]
  • Newborns Octreotide for the Management of Chylothorax in newborns, case report [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • NICU Evaluation of Nutritional Status in a Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 24-29]
  • NVD Effects of Delivery Mode on Short-term Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 25-28]


  • Octreotide Octreotide for the Management of Chylothorax in newborns, case report [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • Ophthalmoplegia Hypoparathyroidism as the First Mani-Festation of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome: A Case Report [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Otoacoustic emission Assessment of the Prevalence of Hearing Impairment in Neonates Born in Imam Reza, Ghaem and OM-Albanin Hospitals of Mashhad [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 17-20]
  • Outcome Accuracy of Amniotic Fluid Index and Single Deepest Pocket Measurements in Predicting the Outcomes of Prolonged Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]
  • Outcome Evaluation of Outcome of Mothers with Breast Cancer during Pregnancy, Fetal and Neonatal Development [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-9]
  • Ovarian cyst An Unusual Size of Neonatal Ovarian Cyst [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]


  • Perinatal Evaluation of Outcome of Mothers with Breast Cancer during Pregnancy, Fetal and Neonatal Development [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-9]
  • Petechial Hemorrhage Petechial Hemorrhage: A clinical diagnosis of neonatal Thrombocytopenia and sepsis [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 35-36]
  • Phototherapy Prophylactic effect of zinc sulphate on hyperbilirubinemia in premature very low birth weight neonates: a randomized clinical trial [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 6-10]
  • Physical growth indicator The effects of training based on BASNEF model and acupressure at GB21 point on the infants’ physical growth indicators [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 18-24]
  • Pleurodesis A Newborn with a Congenital Chylothorax [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 40-42]
  • Polymorphism (genetic) Association between the A1298C Polymorphism of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Polymorphism (genetics) Evaluation of the Association between the C677T Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Postpartum The Relationship between Women’s Postpartum Sexual Function and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-3]
  • Prealbumin Evaluation of Nutritional Status in a Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 24-29]
  • Precede Model Effect of PRECEDE Model on Iron Supplement Intake of 6-12-Month-old Infants [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 7-7]
  • Preconception care Preconception Care and its Importance for the Health of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Years 2009-2012 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-6]
  • Pregnancy outcome The Relationship between the Mother’s Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) and Infant’s Birth Weight [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 8-8]
  • Pregnant Preconception Care and its Importance for the Health of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Years 2009-2012 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-6]
  • Pregnant Women Effects of Education on Oral and Dental Care of Pregnant Women, Based on the Health Belief Model [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-6]
  • Premature Prophylactic effect of zinc sulphate on hyperbilirubinemia in premature very low birth weight neonates: a randomized clinical trial [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 6-10]
  • Prematurity Investigating causes of infant mortality in hospital of children during 2010-2011 in Bandar Abbas [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 12-18]
  • Prenatal diagnosis An Unusual Size of Neonatal Ovarian Cyst [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • Prevalence Assessment of the Prevalence of Hearing Impairment in Neonates Born in Imam Reza, Ghaem and OM-Albanin Hospitals of Mashhad [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 17-20]
  • Prevalence Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux during the Infant’s First Year of Life in the Pediatric Department of Imam Reza Hospital [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]
  • Prevalence Associated Risk Factors and Prevalence of Congenital Malformations in Ardabil, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 3-4]
  • Preventive Measures Kernicterus in Two Generations: A Need for More Aggressive Preventive Measures [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 33-36]
  • Prolonged pregnancy Accuracy of Amniotic Fluid Index and Single Deepest Pocket Measurements in Predicting the Outcomes of Prolonged Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]


  • RDS Effects of Delivery Mode on Short-term Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 25-28]
  • Reflexology Effect of foot reflexology on physiologic index of neonates [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 19-22]
  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) Predicting Factors of INSURE Failure in Low Birth Weight Neonates with RDS; A Logistic Regression Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 30-34]
  • Risk factors Associated Risk Factors and Prevalence of Congenital Malformations in Ardabil, Iran [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 3-4]


  • Screening The Importance of Screening in Congenital Hypothyroidism [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 6-7]
  • Screening Selective screening of 650 high risk Iranian patients for detection of inborn error of metabolism [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 11-14]
  • Single deepest pocket Accuracy of Amniotic Fluid Index and Single Deepest Pocket Measurements in Predicting the Outcomes of Prolonged Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]
  • Spontaneous abortion Evaluation of the Association between the C677T Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Spontaneous abortion Association between the A1298C Polymorphism of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Standard biophysical profile The Relationship between Modified Biophysical Profile, Standard Biophysical Profile, and Neonatal Outcomes of High-risk Pregnancies [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 9-10]
  • Stillbirth Factors Contributing to Intrauterine Fetal Death in the City of Kalat in Years 2009-2012 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 3-3]
  • Surfactant Predicting Factors of INSURE Failure in Low Birth Weight Neonates with RDS; A Logistic Regression Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2014-2015, Pages 30-34]
  • Symbiotic A New Synbiotic Can Increase Weight Gain in Infants with Cow's Milk Allergy: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 1-1]


  • Tetanus toxoid Neonatal Tetanus in Mashhad (North East of Iran) over a 17 Year period [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 31-33]
  • The health of mother and fetus Preconception Care and its Importance for the Health of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Years 2009-2012 [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-6]
  • Theory of Ethology The Effect of an Interventional Program, Based on the Theory of Ethology, on Breastfeeding Competence of Infants [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 5-5]
  • Theory of Ethology The effect of an interventional program based on the Theory of Ethology on infant breastfeeding competence [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 10-12]
  • Thrombophilia Evaluation of the Association between the C677T Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]
  • Thrombophilia Association between the A1298C Polymorphism of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 7-11]


  • Ultrasound An Unusual Size of Neonatal Ovarian Cyst [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2014-2015, Pages 37-39]
  • Unwanted pregnancy Evaluation of the Relationship between Unwanted Pregnancy and Infant Feeding [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 2-2]
  • Urinary tract infection Anterior Urethral Valve and Diverticulum in a Neonate with Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 10-11]


  • Water birth Comparison between Water Birth and Land Birth in terms of Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Abstract, 2014-2015, Pages 4-5]
  • Weight Evaluation of the Prevalence of Macrosomia and the Maternal Risk Factors [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2014-2015, Pages 5-9]