About Journal

The Iranian Journal of Neonatology is a peer-reviewed medical publication of the Iranian Association of Neonatology published quarterly by the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Articles are in English with English abstracts also.

Aims and Scope: This journal aims to provoke research in all fields of neonatal-perinatal medicine and to promote healthcare and management of newborn infants, pregnant women as well as the family of the neonate. The scope of the journal is to act as an international forum for dissemination of science in the neonatal and perinatal fields of medicine.

Editorial Board: The editorial board of the Iranian Journal of Neonatology is comprised of specialists in various subfields of neonatal-perinatal medicine. They are open to comments and feedback from all readers.

Submissions: The journal accepts submissions presented as an original article, short communication, case report, review article, or letter-to-the- editor. Your readership and continued interest in this journal and the work you present is highly appreciated. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, suggestions or questions regarding article submission or ideas you may have in mind.

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