Editorial Policies


Editorial Policies

This policy describes guidelines in the publication process of Iranian Journal of Neonatology (IJN).

  1. Affiliations

All authors should list all affiliations to attribute where the research or scholarly work was approved and/or supported and/or conducted. For non-research articles, you should list your current institutional affiliation. If you have moved to a different institution before the article has been published, you must list the affiliation where the study was performed. You can state your independent status if you do not have a current relevant institutional affiliation.

  1. Authorship

All authors must have made relevant contributions to: (1)  conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, (3) final approval of the version.

Author identification

At least the corresponding author should provide his/her Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) iD.

Competing interests

The Iranian Journal of Neonatology requires that all authors disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest, for instance, patent or stock ownership, membership of a company board of directors, membership of an advisory board or committee for a company, and consultancy for or receipt of speaker's fees from a company.

  1. Confidentiality

Reviewers must be aware that it is our policy to keep their names confidential and that we do our utmost to ensure his/her confidentiality. The journal reserves the right to contact funders, regulatory bodies, journals and the authors’ institutions in cases of suspected research or publishing misconduct.


  1. Plagiarism and duplicate publication

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines plagiarism as: “When somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment.”. This can include: abstracts, seminar presentations, laboratory reports, thesis or dissertation, research proposals, computer programs, online posts, grey literature, unpublished or published manuscripts.


  1. Policy on duplicate publication

Material submitted to Iranian Journal of Neonatology should be original and not published or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors submitting a contribution to this journal, who have related material under consideration or in press elsewhere must upload a clearly marked copy at the time of submission, and draw the editors' attention to it in their cover letter. 

6.      Peer-review policy

  • All submitted manuscripts are subjected to the external peer review and editorial approval.
  • The reviewers are blinded to the authors' identities and their affiliations while the associate editors have full access to them.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise.
  • After receiving the reviewers’ comments, authors are requested to send the revised article and a copy of their reply to the reviewers including the comment and explaining the replies to the questions and the changes made to the revised version.


  1. Ethics and biosecurity

This journal will only consider research which has been carried out in compliance with institutional biosafety and biosecurity policies. In addition, where concerns are raised about potential risk, we may seek expert advice to assess this, so authors should be prepared to provide any further information requested by the journal editorial office.

8.      Reporting standards and availability of data, materials, code and protocols

Authors are required to provide materials, data, code, and associated protocols promptly available to readers without undue qualifications. After publication, readers who encounter refusal by the authors to comply with these policies should contact the chief editor of the journal of the Iranian Journal of Neonatology.

 In cases where editors are unable to resolve a complaint, the journal may refer the matter to the authors' funding institution and/or publish a formal statement of correction, attached online to the publication, stating that readers have been unable to obtain necessary materials to replicate the findings.