Background: Neonatal seizures are the most prevalent neurological disorders. In Egypt, the characteristics and neurodevelopmental outcomes of neonatal seizures have not been sufficiently explored. Methods: The present study was conducted on 120 full-term and preterm newborns from October 2016 and October 2020. The adverse outcomes of cerebral palsy, mortality, developmental delay, and/or epilepsy have been considered. The associations between adverse outcomes and 13 variables were analyzed. Results: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (34.2%) was the most common etiology for neonatal seizures, followed by intracranial hemorrhage (25.8%). The predominant seizure type was subtle (57.5%), preceded by clonic seizure (16.7%). Moreover, 72 neonates had a normal outcome, 14 (60%) cases had minor functional disabilities, and 27 (22.5%) newborns survived with one or more neurodevelopmental abnormalities (6 cases had cerebral palsy, and 21 newborns had global developmental delay), with a 17.5 % mortality rate. Based on the univariate analysis, 10 variables were associated with an unfavorable outcome; nonetheless, only three variables, namely metabolic acidosis, abnormal cranial ultrasonography findings, and the presence of congenital heart disease, were independent predictors as illustrated by multivariate logistics. Conclusion: As evidenced by the obtained results, HIE and intracranial hemorrhage were the most common causes of neonatal seizures. Perinatal insult, prematurity, seizure onset <24 hours, low Apgar score at 1 min, myoclonic or mixed seizure, the efficacy of the anticonvulsant therapy, abnormal cranial U/S, metabolic acidosis, abnormal electroencephalography (EEG) pattern, and the presence of congenital heart disease were the most reliable predictors of adverse outcome.
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Abd Almonaem, E. Rateb , Dabour, A. Shaheen , Elawady, M. Ahmed and Abdel Haie, O. Mohamed (2022). Clinco-etiological Profile and Predictors of Outcome of Neonatal Seizures: A Prospective Observational Study from Egypt. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 13(2), 22-31. doi: 10.22038/ijn.2022.60558.2152
Abd Almonaem, E. Rateb, , Dabour, A. Shaheen, , Elawady, M. Ahmed, and Abdel Haie, O. Mohamed. "Clinco-etiological Profile and Predictors of Outcome of Neonatal Seizures: A Prospective Observational Study from Egypt", Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 13, 2, 2022, 22-31. doi: 10.22038/ijn.2022.60558.2152
Abd Almonaem, E. Rateb, Dabour, A. Shaheen, Elawady, M. Ahmed, Abdel Haie, O. Mohamed (2022). 'Clinco-etiological Profile and Predictors of Outcome of Neonatal Seizures: A Prospective Observational Study from Egypt', Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 13(2), pp. 22-31. doi: 10.22038/ijn.2022.60558.2152
E. Rateb Abd Almonaem , A. Shaheen Dabour , M. Ahmed Elawady and O. Mohamed Abdel Haie, "Clinco-etiological Profile and Predictors of Outcome of Neonatal Seizures: A Prospective Observational Study from Egypt," Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 13 2 (2022): 22-31, doi: 10.22038/ijn.2022.60558.2152
Abd Almonaem, E. Rateb, Dabour, A. Shaheen, Elawady, M. Ahmed, Abdel Haie, O. Mohamed Clinco-etiological Profile and Predictors of Outcome of Neonatal Seizures: A Prospective Observational Study from Egypt. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 2022; 13(2): 22-31. doi: 10.22038/ijn.2022.60558.2152