Pattern and Outcome of Newborn Emergencies in a Tertiary Center, Lagos, Nigeria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria/ University of Lagos, College of Medicine, Lagos, Nigeria

2 Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria

3 Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria/University of Lagos, College of Medicine, Lagos, Nigeria


Background: Neonatal mortality had not changed significantly in the last decade in African countries particularly in Nigeria; however, under-five mortality had reduced significantly. Nigeria with a quarter of maternal and under-five mortality is among ten countries with the highest neonatal mortality. Previous studies had shown patterns of newborn morbidity and mortality; however, no study has been conducted in this regard recently. The present study aimed to ascertain the current patterns of newborn morbidity and mortality.
Methods: A retrospective review of records of all newborn admissions over a period of one year was carried out. Extracted data include age, gender, diagnosis on admission outcome, and cause of mortality. The frequency of morbidity and outcome variables were analyzed and then calculated.
Results: The major reason for admission was jaundice 29.6% followed by asphyxia 25%, sepsis 16.1%, and prematurity 9%. The neonatal mortality rate was 12.5% with more than half of the deaths occurring within 24 hours and almost all within 72 hours. Causes of death were asphyxia 58.2%, jaundice 16.4%, sepsis 10 .4%, and prematurity 3%. More than half of the neonates with asphyxia were likely to die within 24 hours.
Conclusion: Asphyxia, jaundice, sepsis, and prematurity were the major causes of morbidity. In addition, asphyxia is still a major cause of preventable death in newborns in Nigeria.


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