Results of Screening for Neonatal Metabolic Diseases in Mashhad City, Iran (2015)


1 Department of Nutrition, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Neonatal Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

3 Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery and Cancer Research Centers, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Background: Neonatal screening is a preventive medical measure to screen infants shortly after birth for treatable metabolic disorders and endocrinopathies. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the accuracy of laboratory samples in the screening programs for metabolic diseases in Mashhad city, Iran with international guidelines.
Methods: This observational study was conducted on all the patients referring to the health centers of Mashhad, Iran during two weeks. In total, 220 infants were enrolled in the study and divided into three groups of health center 1, 2, and 3. A checklist was prepared based on the international guidelines to evaluate the neonatal screening procedures.
Results: In total, 220 neonates aged 3-14 days (90 girls and 130 boys) were enrolled in this study. Mean weight and height of the neonates was 3215.90±485.12 grams and 49.85±2.04 centimeters, respectively. In all the cases, mode of nutrition was breastfeeding, and sampling was performed within 36 hours after birth. Neonates had no history of corticosteroid administration, catecholamine administration, parenteral nutrition, and blood transfusion. Heels of the neonates had no contact with the filter paper, and the samples were dried away from direct sunlight and heat. Two of the health centers used disinfectants and dried the heels of infants afterwards prior to drawing the samples. Conclusion: According to the results, the studied health centers followed the protocol properly. However, two of the health centers used disinfectants in such way that we were not sure whether the heels of the neonates were dried completely


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