Document Type : Original Article
1 Health System Research Committee, Treatment Affaire of Vice Chancellor, Mashhad University of Medical Science , Mashhad , Iran
2 complementary medicine research center , Facaulty of traditional medicine, Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, Mashhad , Iran
3 Special Disease center, Treatment Affaire of Vice Chancellor , Mashhad University of Medical Science , Mashhad , Iran
4 Department of Information Technology, Treatment Affaire of Vice Chancellor , Mashhad University of Medical Science , Mashhad , Iran
5 Clinical Psychologist , Special Disease center, Treatment Affaire of Vice Chancellor, Mashhad University of Medical Science , Mashhad , Iran
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30. . Senemar S, Ganjekarimi H, Fathzadeh M, Tarami B, Barzgar M. Epidemiological and clinical study of phenylketonouria (PKU) disease in the national screening program of neonates ,Fars Province, Southern Iran. Iranian J Publ Health. 2009; 38(2):58-64.