Neonatal Bilious Vomiting as a Predictor for Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq

2 College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Babylon Iraq



Background: Neonatal bilious vomiting is a more clinical symptom that can be difficult to diagnose and assess immediately due to its relationship with actual life-threatening illnesses, like neonatal intestinal obstruction. The study examines the relationship between neonatal diagnosis, particular X-ray or contrast imaging results, conclusive vomiting diagnosis, gestational age, weight, age of presentation, or gender.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 42 patients collected from Al Zahraa Teaching Hospital in Al-Najaf from January 2022 to January 2023. The data for all neonates collected are Gestational age (weeks), Weight (kg), Age of presentation (months), Gender, X-ray diagnosis (Diagnostic, invert gram, Negative, Nonspecific, Suggestive), Contrast diagnosis (Diagnostic, no need, Normal and Suggestive), and finally, definitive diagnosis.
Results: There was a significant association between the diagnosis and specific X-ray or contrast imaging results, but there was a lack of significant association between definitive diagnosis and gestational age, weight, age of presentation, or gender. However, there was a significant association in diagnosing conditions like small bowel atresia, anorectal atresia, sepsis, and Meconium ileus based on imaging characteristics.
Conclusion: Neonates with bilious vomiting disclose an essential association between imaging outcomes and diagnoses as small bowel atresia and anorectal malformations, with X-ray and contrast imaging having an essential role in diagnosis.


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